Mittwoch, 30. März 2011


Tuesday started with a speaking part, in which we trained for a part of the exam. There you have to make a conversation about some pictures and give your opinion about it. After the school we planed our trip on the Easter holiday. At the moment it seemed that Victor, Anna, I and Mana will take the trip. We planed a 4 or 5 day- journey on the southern island.
After that, we looked in the information office, what we should make on the weekend. You can ask me, but at the moment we haven’t decided yet.
Because of all this stuff, I was at home at 6 o’clock. But the weather was still great. So I had picked up my paraglider, got the next bus and went to the town.
After an hour I stood on the side of the rugby field, made a great flight. It took me actually an hour to get to the town and up to the take off place. The flight was still 5min long! xD
It was still good and sunny, so I went up again!

Robertson St 42, Frankton


On Monday I had my first exam at school. It showed me, where I stand and what my weaknesses are. In the grammar part I lost many points. So that will be the first part I want to improve, together with my speaking skills, which aren’t the best.
After school I wanted to do paragliding, but besides the nice weather, it was very windy. So I stayed at home and learned (boring). ;-)

Robertson St 42, Frankton

Sonntag, 27. März 2011


Sunday started with rain. After that it cleared up, just to become even more raining. But today we wanted to see the jet boat race on the Shotover River. Dick was also interested and drove me and Victor to the old Shotover Bridge. After we had arrived, the first boat came up the river. It was amazing, how fast they drove on this river. Almost as fast as the boats was the strong wind. It was so strong, that it was raining horizontally. On ten to two we started to search for the bus stop, because we made an appointment with Anna. Unfortunately the guys we asked, sent us to the false side of the bridge and we didn’t found her. After we had come back to the bridge, we found her near the car parking. She came with her host family and went up to the bus stop, looking for us. Dick decided to go home, but we stayed, because Anna hadn’t seen a boat yet. After a couple of minutes, the first boat came down the river. There was only the possibility to look at the boat with the wind in the back. Against the wind you saw nothing.
After a few boats we were wet enough to leave the bridge and walked to the bus stop. We were good luck: The next Bus would go in ten minutes. Anna wanted to wait for her host family and so, only Victor and I went on the bus.

Robertson St 42, Frankton


Friday came very fast. I know, you aren’t interested on the school stuff, so I leave that out. After school Victor, Anna and I searched for a book shop, to be prepared for school next week. After that we walked though the Queenstown garden, because Anna didn’t have a Bus home and had to wait. The garden is situated on a half island and covers a hill. On the top is a lovely pond with a fountain and several ducks were swimming in there.
On this evening we didn’t went out, because we all were tired. In the night it rained strongly, but it cleared up on Saturday morning.

Robertson St 42, Frankton


Today I was a bit tired, but it would be the last sunny day of the week, so it was clear that I’ll do paragliding. After school I took the bus home, throw my school stuff in a corner and picked up my glider. That trip home and back took me an hour, but it didn’t matter. At the bus stop in Queenstown I met Victor, who stayed in Queenstown because he wanted to see how I’ll start. We took the gondola, which brought us above Queenstown. I spent 74$ for an annual pass. That’s really cheap, because a retour-way ticket coasts 25$!
On the top I asked some tandem pilots, where the take-off place exactly is. Actually there are two take-off places: One beside the chair lift station, which is only for commercial pilots, and the other one on the top of the hill, which takes you 15min to walk up there. But it isn’t an easy way. It’s a steep and tiny path through the forest. Up there you have the choice to start in two opposite directions, so you should have front wind at any time. I don’t know exactly how high the difference between take-off and landing place is, but I think it’s about 500m.
Victor filmed my take-off and I’ll link it here or maybe on facebook.
I just flow straight to Queenstown, made some wingovers, tried out a A-stall, but it didn’t really work because I didn’t pulled the lines enough: the wingtips were still on their normal places and not in the middle. Then I look at the wind and begun with the landing. I landed on the site of a rugby field, which is quiet comfortable to land. You may guess how long I was flying. If you want know the answer, I'd post it on the end of this post.
At the bus stop I met Victor again. It took him longer to come down with the gondola than me with the glider.

To take your own glider to New Zealand: 61 SFr,
Annual pass for the gondola: 74$,
Make some Wingovers over Queenstown: priceless.

Something you can’t afford…

(4 minutes 15sec! xD)

Robertson St 42, Frankton


On this morning I’d waken up before my alarm clock rang. So I put my running shoes on and was jogging for about 20 min.
The second morning at school went quickly over. At Lunchtime I ate a subway sandwich, which I couldn’t do for ages. After the afternoon lessons I went quickly home, because at the Frankton beach will start an “end summer BBQ”. We also had the chance to learn windsurfing. Of course Victor and I tried it out. Unfortunately there was just a tiny wind, so It got boring after an hour.

But the BBQ was still great: There were sausages, slices of bread and something like ketchup. The sun was shining until it went down about 8 o’clock. After that the wind became stronger, but the water colder too. So I went to the nearest Bus stop, just to see, that my next Bus will go in 15min. I decided to walk home, which took me the same time.

Southern Lakes English College

Dienstag, 22. März 2011


Caused of the time difference, I woke up at five o’clock and laid in the bed till my alarm clock rang at seven o’clock. Before I ate my breakfast I went to the bus stop, to look when my bus will go: I will have a Bus at quarter past eight. After three pieces of toasted bread, I packed my stuff for school and leaved the house about ten past eight.
The Bus coast me seven dollars and brought me directly in the centre of Queenstown. After a short walk, I’ve reached the school. Firstly I had to sign up some documents. Then I had to write a little grammar test and a short letter to a pen friend, who live in England.
After that I was put in the CAE class, with two new ones. Victor, witch comes from Spain, and Anna from Germany. The others in the class have been here for weeks. Surprisingly four of them come from Austria.
Fortunately, it isn’t allowed to talk German in school. ;-)
In the afternoon, we had some listening and reading parts, without bigger grammar parts.
At three o’clock school has finished. So Anna and I searched the bus station and tried not to loose the orientation. The weather became more windy and no paraglider was in the air.

42 Robertson St, Frankton


The day started at seven o’clock in the morning. After the breakfast Dick drove me to Queenstown. But today it was a public holiday, so the school will start tomorrow. So Dick showed me the Town inclusive the landing fields for paragliding and the gondola station.
After that sightseeing tour we came home. On the rest of the morning we cut a half deer in pieces. Dick unbowed it and I cut the meat in little pieces for stew or bigger one in steaks. Some steaks were marinated by Jackie.
After lunch I got tired, so I slept two to three hours.
For Dinner we went to Richard’s family in Queenstown and picked up Tania and Shaun, who live next to us.
From the terrace of their house I had a perfect view of Queenstown and the lake.

42 Robertson St, Frankton

The Journey, Part 3

Most of New Zealand was covered with clouds. Only Parts of the northern island and the peaks of several mountains looked out. While we were flying to the airport, we crossed the clouds. Then the plan followed the valley until it’s gears touched the airway. The airway isn’t quite long, so we had to break quickly and strong. After I leaved the plane, I crossed the airport building to get to the baggage claim. A call to my host family and 10 minutes later I was picked up by Dick Berry, who drove me to the house.
The house has one ground floor, with a garage included. It’s surrounded with a garden and has a terrace on the back side.
Although the house is situated near the airport, the planes don’t make much noise.
The weather becomes better and at the afternoon, there are just some cumulus clouds on the sky. But now I’m too tired to go on a trip.

42 Robertson St, Frankton

The Journey, Part 2

With the dawn I came to Auckland, New Zealand. After the border control I found my baggage’s on the baggage carrier quickly. Fortunately my wing didn’t seem to be damaged. Then it was needed to x-ray, so you couldn’t bring things on the island, witch could disturb the nature. After that I checked in my luggages for a domestic flight and went out of the building. Outside it smelled like sea and air petrol- awesome! The domestic airport is separated from the international one, so I took a little walk and could move my legs and feet a bit. At the moment I’m waiting on the gate 28 for the boarding time. After that flight, my 40h journey will come to the end and my three months holiday will start.

Gate 28, AKL

The Journey, Part 1

Unfortunately I couldn’t post in Blog with my Smartphone, so I summarize the flights from Interlaken to Queenstown. My parents brought me to the airport in Zurich by car. My first flight brought me to London Heathrow. “London, 6 degrees, calm, the haircut’s still short”. On this huge airport it took a while, until I was on the right terminal. I couldn’t get my Bordingcard for this flight at Zurich, so I was called out after I passed the security zone. It was absolutely necessary, that they knew further information’s. For example, where I lived normally (Holding my Passport in the hand ;-)). After that I became my both boarding cards for the next flights.
At the beginning of the flight, a dark shadow followed the plan and reached me before I arrived at L.A. in the evening.
I never saw a city like that, with millions of little lights witches not end until the horizon.

Boing 747-400, LAX

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

One day until departure

The journey starts in 24 houres at the airport Zürich. The first flight goes to London UK. Then it goes on via Los Angeles to Auckland NZL. With another plane I'll flight to Queenstown.